One-time Projects

These can be done for clients who have something specific they need help with and then want to manage their accounts on their own.

Pinterest Done For You (And With You) $1250

If you know you need to market your business on Pinterest (because your ideal audience or customer or competitor is already there), but cannot afford to outsource monthly management yet, this is the project for you. It includes EVERYTHING to get your account set up and optimized, along with a unique strategy for you to implement month to month on your own.

What Is Included:

  • 30-minute call after you complete an initial questionnaire to go over any questions

  • Keyword research for your industry and brand for SEO and to optimize your profile, titles, and descriptions. *You receive this keyword spreadsheet to use moving forward with your strategy.

  • Perform an audit of your website and any sales funnels you may have to ensure a quality experience for your ideal audience or customer. And any recommendations for improvements as necessary.

  • Pinterest business account set up (or clean up if you already have an account) complete with client’s branding

  • Creation of 5 boards in your niche with keyword titles & descriptions. (Create brand board covers if applicable. *You will also receive a video demonstration on how to create these yourself for future use.)

  • Client content tracking spreadsheet (*For your use moving forward with a strategy.)

  • Create 10 branded pin templates for your use (*Will also receive video on how to create pins quickly in Canva yourself)

  • Tailwind set up (If you don’t have it set up already.)

  • Keyword location list along with formulas and examples of how to create your own titles and descriptions

  • Idea pin created and how to post to Pinterest (*You will also receive a video on how to create one yourself moving forward.)

  • Basic Pinterest strategy & workflow guide to getting you started.

  • Pinterest analytics spreadsheet with KPIs you should track each month

  • A half-day Zoom call with you after all deliverables are completed and sent over to you. We can go over anything you are unclear about or have questions on to get clarification.

  • Email support for 7 days after the project is complete.

Image Creation (pricing available upon request)

For those that have the strategy, scheduling, and analytics piece figured out but want to take the design part off their plate. I tailor this package to each client’s needs so send me an email and we’ll chat through the options!

  • Branding, colors, fonts, and logos to be provided by the client

  • Client receives the number of pins desired plus the templates

  • This can be a one time project or added to a monthly package when additional pins are needed