Pinterest Marketing & Strategy for Online Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Sometimes it’s hard to know when you need help, particularly in your own business. You built it. It’s your baby. It’s your dream and your blood, sweat, and tears so no one knows your business as you do. But often, in order to grow your business the way you envisioned, you are finding you need more hours in the day than you actually have to give. And you find yourself burnt out, frustrated, and not focusing on the things you loved about your business in the first place.

You know that Pinterest is a platform you need to be active on and have a consistent marketing strategy in place to ensure that growth for your business. You are right. And you are in the right place for help. I can develop a custom Pinterest strategy to grow your account for your business so you can get those hours back to focus on what you love doing most.

Some of the ways I can help you:

  • Create an on-brand Pinterest page that connects you with your ideal client, audience, or customer.

  • Create on-brand boards with focused SEO descriptions to be more discoverable in searches for your target audience

  • Setup and manage a consistent content schedule with keyword-rich pin descriptions and titles

  • Provide you with feedback, content suggestions, and an analytics report monthly so you know what is resonating with your audience and what isn’t to adjust strategy accordingly

  • Create custom branded pins every month

  • Stay up to date with all Pinterest trends, best practices, and news that could impact your account and make changes accordingly

  • Teach you or someone on your team how to manage your own Pinterest account and strategy

My primary focus is to help you harness the power of Pinterest to reach your business growth goals quicker. I have monthly packages for those who know they want everything handled by an account strategist and want a more hands off approach. I also have one-time projects for those who know they need Pinterest as part of their marketing plan but need help getting started. Projects are a great way to set up your Pinterest account and get all the tools you need to start managing things on your own with confidence.

Check out my monthly packages.

Check out my projects.
